You can issue TOIL for any staff member via a user's profile, located under the People tab within the app. You'll need the required permissions to issue TOIL such as administrative or managerial status, or if you're an approver for a user.
When you issue TOIL, a user will receive a notification to let them know. You can issue time off in lieu in days, in either full days (1+) or half days (0.5).
Adding a TOIL entry
Once a user has registered or has been invited, you can locate them via the People section and edit them as follows:-
- Navigate to the People Tab
- Tap on the user you wish to edit. You can search for their name if you cannot immediately find them
- Tap on the top right edit icon
- Select (Holiday Settings)
- Select the grey (Time off in Lieu) box
- You'll be presented with historic TOIL entries. To add a new entry, click on the (+) icon
- Enter TOIL in days. You can issue TOIL in either full days (1+) or half days (0.5)
- Once you're finished, tap on (Save) to finalize your changes, and you'll be returned to the settings screen.
Step One: Locate a user in the People section.
Step Three: Open the profile settings menu and tap on (Edit Profile).
Step Five: Select the grey (Time off in lieu) box
Step Six: To add a new TOIL entry, tap on the (+) icon
Step Seven: Award time off in lieu in either full days (1+) or half days (0.5). You can also give the entry a description for future reference.
Step Eight: Once you're done, tap on save, and you should see your entry. You can then return to the Holiday Settings menu.
If you made an error, you can swipe left to delete your TOIL entry and repeat the process again.
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