Instantcart uses a series of variables that call data into your template files. The following tables contain variables Instantcart supports for each template. Some variables are global and can be used accross your site in any template file, and some are private and can only be used for a specific template.
To view our PDF Template crib sheet, please visit
Global Variables
The following table contains variables you can use in any .html template file.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
page_title | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
description | varchar | Text Output describing site | Outputs the meta description for the site |
meta_keywords | varchar | keyword1, keyword2 | Outputs keywords for the current page |
meta_noindex | boolean | false | Meta Tag No Index |
show_advert | boolean | false | Shows advert |
advert_image | boolean | false | Shows image |
ad_bottom | boolean | false | Displays add at bottom of the website |
ssl | boolean | false | Defines if SSL is required |
logged_on | boolean | false | Defines if the customer is logged in or not |
show_columns | boolean | false | control to show columns |
messages | array | (See Messages) | |
current_year | varchar | 2011 | The current year in full |
store_name | varchar | My Instantcart store | The name of your store |
store | array | array | (See Store) |
product_url | varchar | product | |
array | array | Fetches array of facebook data, ie facebook.page_id | |
dept_url | varchar | dept | |
base_url | varchar | | The full url of your store, with https or http depending if ssl is true |
http_type | varchar | (http: or https:) | |
categories | array | (See categories) | |
menu_drop_down | html | Outputs the dropdown menu in html using html UL list formatting | |
menu_vertical | html | Outputs the a menu in html using html DL DT list formatting | |
store_url | varchar | | Your store url without the preceeding http://.. prefix |
current_uri | varchar | product/my_product_2.html | The current path being executed |
current_path | varchar | | The full path of the page displayed |
http_referrer | varchar | | The prevoius page/url that referred you to the current page |
template_server_url | varchar | | Url location of the Template CDN server |
template_images_url | varchar | | Url location of the Template CDN server |
template_css_url | varchar | | Url location of the CDN server with trailing folder |
template_code_url | varchar | | Url location of the CDN server with trailing folder |
cdn_url | varchar | | Url location of the CDN server |
setting | array | (See settings) | |
open_graph_image | html | <meta property=“og:title” … | |
help_box | html | Predefined Help box html | |
ssl_box | html | Predefined SSL Box html | |
page_tabs | array | (See page tabs) | | | array | (See Banners) | |
banners.left | array | (See Banners) | |
banners.right | array | (See Banners) | |
form_field_seed | html | <form id=“seed” value=“sdf0787s8BHUBJ8890” /> | Seed form input for a html form, used for verication to stop XSS attacks |
login_for_price | boolean | 1 | Users have to login to order or see prices |
tax_number | varchar | GB772 2356 45 | Tax or VAT number for the store |
seed | varchar | sdf0787s8BHUBJ8890 | The Raw seed value used in form_field_seed |
news | array | (See News) | |
latest_products | array | (See Latest products) | |
recent_products | array | (See recent products) | |
special_offers | array | (See special offers) | |
reviews | array | (See reviews) | |
best_sellers | array | (See best sellers) | |
css_filenames | html | <style type=“text/css” media=“all”>@import “http://code.inst… | Outputs a list of html formatted CSS filenames |
js_filenames | html | <script language=“javascript” type=“text/javascript” src=“http://code… | Outputs a list of html formatted js filenames |
js_code | html | <script… | Outputs a block of JS code relavent to the page in question for inbuilt functionality |
image_path | array | (See image path) | |
footer_content | html | <script… | Predefined footer content such as Google Analytics Code etc |
agree_terms | boolean | 1 | Returns 1 or 0 |
breadcrumb | array | (See Breadcrumb) | |
get_var | array | array | Returns an array of GET url variables. You can access the PHP var $_GET['show'] by using |
store (array)
An array of store information that can be used to display the store address, phone number, as well as access social and regional settings.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
---|---|---|---| | varchar | Category One | The name of the category | | varchar | /category_one_1.html | The url of the category |
store.address | boolean | 1 | A true / false indication to state that the array value is the last one in the array or is currently viewed |
store.region.currency | varchar | GBP | |
store.region.date_format.iso | varchar | 2014-10-10 11:12:14 | Iso Date format |
store.region.date_format.long | varchar | 10th September 2014 | Long Date format |
store.region.time_zone | varchar | Regional Time Zone | | | varchar | | Sales email address | | varchar | | Support email address | | varchar | | Return email address | | varchar | | A link to your Twitter page | | varchar | | A link to your Facebook page | | varchar | | A link to you Pintrest page | | varchar | | A link to your Instagram page | | varchar | | A link to your Linkedin page |
breadcrumb (array)
The breadcrumb array allows you to access the historic navigation path for a category or product. For example:-
Home » Category One » Sub Category » Product Code
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
name | varchar | Category One | The name of the category |
url | varchar | /category_one_1.html | The url of the category |
last | boolean | 1 | A true / false indication to state that the array value is the last one in the array or is currently viewed |
<div class="navigation"> <h1>{{ }}</h1> <p><a href="/">Home</a> >> {% for cat in breadcrumb %}<a href="{{ cat.url }}">{{ }}</a> {% if cat.last == false %} >> {% endif %} {% endfor %}</p> </div>
user (array)
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
is_logged_on | boolean | True/false | Boolean if the user is logged on or off |
firstname | string | John Smith | prints the first name of the customer if logged in |
name | string | John | prints the full name of the customer if logged in |
{% if user.is_logged_on %} Welcome back {{ user.firstname }} <a href="/account.php" title="My Account">My Account</a> {% else %} <a href="/login" title="Sign In">Sign In</a> {% endif %}
basket (array)
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
total | varchar | £543.00 | Outputs the current basket total formatted to the currency set |
count | int | 8 | Outputs the total number of items in the basket |
<a href="/basket"> Basket {{|raw }} ({{basket.count}})</a>
setting (array)
The setting array contains references to data set in the Intstantcart control panel. This can be anything from color settings to the logo used on your website. Each reference can be accessed as listed from the table below.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
setting.color_tab | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_h1 | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_p | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_bg | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.image_bg | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_tab_on | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_tab_off | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_tab_title | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_tab_title_off | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.height_header | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_button_buy | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.color_button_more | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.id_google_site | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
setting.image_logo | varchar | The title of your site | Outputs the title for your site |
As an example, you would use the following syntax to display your store logo.
<div class="headerLogo"> {% if setting.image_logo %} <a href=""><img src="pics/{{ setting.image_logo }}" border="0" alt="{{ store_name }}" /></a> {% else %} <h3><a href="/">{{ store_name }}</a></h3> {% endif %} </div>
categories (array)
The categories array contains references to the categories for your site.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
---|---|---|---| | int | 4 | The ID of the category |
category.url | varchar | /cat_name_353.html | Outputs the category url | | varchar | My Category | The name of the category |
category.image | varchar | deptimage.jpg | The image file associated with the category |
category.parent_id | int | 2 | Parent Id for this category array |
category.children | array | A child array in the same format as this parent |
As an example, you would use the following syntax to display your store logo.
<ul> {% for category in categories %} <li><a href="{{ category.url }}">{{ }}<br><img src="{{ category.image }}" title="{{ }}"></a></li>
{% endfor %}
page_tabs (array)
Page tabs allow you to use the functionality of the page tabs section (under the control panel) within your website. The page_tabs reference is a recursive array containing the following references within each sub array of page_tabs.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
tabs_new_window | boolean | 1/0 | If true, can be used to launch link into a new window |
tabs_name | varchar | My Page | Outputs the title for your site |
tabs_url | varchar | /mypage.html | The link to the new page for the page tab, can be local or external |
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax
{% for tab in page_tabs %} {% if tab.tabs_new_window %} {% set new_window = "target=\"_blank\"" %} {% endif %} {% if current_uri in tab.tabs_url or current_path in tab.tabs_url %} {% set tabs_class = "class=\"on\"" %} {% endif %} <li {{ tabs_class }}><a href="{{ tab.tabs_url }}" {{ new_window }}>{{ tab.tabs_name }}</a></li> {% endfor %}
You can also use sub page tabs too. This is a new feature we have added so you can create tabs within tabs.
Here's and example:-
<div class="navigation"> <ul class="nav"> {% set count = 0 %} {% set length = page_tabs|length %} {% for tab in page_tabs %} {% set count = count + 1 %} {% if tab.new_window %} {% set new_window = "target=\"_blank\"" %} {% endif %} <li class="{% if length == count %}last{% elseif count == 1 %}first{% endif %}{% if current_uri == tab.url %} active{% else %}{% for tab in tab.sub_tabs %}{% if current_uri in tab.url %} active{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}"><a class="tab_{{ }}" {% if tab.url != '#' %}href="{{ tab.url }}"{% endif %}{{ new_window }}> {{ }} <b class="caret {% if count == 1 %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}"> </b></a> <ul> {% set sub_count = 0 %} {% set sub_length = tab.sub_tabs|length %} {% for tab in tab.sub_tabs %} {% set sub_count = sub_count + 1 %} <li {% if current_uri in tab.url %}class="active"{% endif %}><a href="{{ tab.url }}" {{ new_window }}> {{ }} {% if sub_count < sub_length %}•{% endif %} </a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div>
banners (array)
Banners allows you to access banners added via the control panel. You can access left, top, and right banners using the same format as below. When using this array on a category page, banners will only show if a user has chosen to associate the banner with a particular category:-
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
link | varchar | /mypage.html | The link to the new page for the banner can be local or external |
title | varchar | My Advert | The Title for the banner (Can be used as overlay text) |
alt | varchar | My Advert Alt | The alt tag for the banner |
home | int | 1 | Denotes if this is set to show on the homepage |
file | varchar | banner.jpg | The filename of the banner |
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax
<div class="banners"> {% for banner in banners.right %} <a href="{{ }}" title="{{ banner.title }}"><img src="pics/adverts/{{ banner.file }}" border="0" alt="{{ banner.title }}" /></a> <br /><br /> {% endfor %} </div>
news (array)
The news reference allow you to display top news story summaries on your site. The news reference is a recursive array containing the following references within each sub array of news.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
id | int | 3 | The ID of the news item |
url | varchar | news/#3 | The local url of the news item |
title | varchar | My News Item | The title of the news item |
date | varchar | 8th June 2011 | Formatted date |
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax
{% for item in news %} <h2>{{ item.title }}</h2> <p>Posted on {{ }}</p> {% endfor %}
You can of course manipulate this data in any way you like, for example you could create a scrolling news ticker in ajax or Jquery based on the news array.
latest_products (array), special_offers (array), recent_products (array) & best_sellers (array)
The recent_products, special_offers, recent_products & best_sellers references allow you to display products that have recently been viewed by a user. These references are recursive arrays containing the following references within each sub array contained within.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
image_mini | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/mini/product_image.jpg | Mini Image URL & Path |
image_small | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/small/product_image.jpg | Small Image URL & Path |
image_thumb | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/thumb/product_image.jpg | Thumb Image URL & Path |
image_main | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/main/product_image.jpg | Main Image URL & Path |
link | varchar | http://www.yourstore/product/product_name_1.html | Link to the product |
name | varchar | Product Name | Title of the product |
name_short | varchar | Product Na.. | An abbreviated title of the product |
tax_rate | varchar | 20 | Tax rate in percent |
id | int | 4 | The product id |
price_ex_tax | varchar | £5.00 | The price excluding tax formatted to the local currency |
price_inc_tax | varchar | £5.90 | The price including tax formatted to the local currency |
login_for_price | boolean | true/false | User has to log in to view price if true |
Usage syntax example using a snippet (snippet/right.snippet.html):
<h3>What's New?</h3><p>Find out whats new at our store</p> <div id="latestProducts"><ul> {% for product in latest_products %} {% include "snippets/latestProducts.snippet.html" %} {% endfor %} </ul> </div> {% if recent_products %} <h3>What I've just Seen</h3><p>Catch up on items you have previously seen</p> <div id="recentBox"><ul> {% for product in recent_products %} {% include "snippet/latestProducts.snippet.html" %} {% endfor %} </ul> </div> {% endif %} {{ banners_right }}
To display these products, we use a snippet that we have named latestProducts.snippet.html, however this snippet can be used to display any product reference, such as recent_products, special_offers & best_sellers or any reference that uses the supported terms listed in the above table.
Useage syntax example for (snippets/latestProducts.snippet.html)
<li> <a href="{{ }}"><img src="{{ product.image_thumb|raw }}" width="100" height="100" border="0" alt="{{ }}" /></a><br /> <p><a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a></p> <span class="price">{{ product.price_inc_tax|raw }}</span> </li>
reviews (array)
The reviews reference allow you to display top product reviews summaries on your site. The reviews reference is a recursive array containing the following references within each sub array of news.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
id | int | 3 | The Product ID for the review |
content | varchar | Review Content | The content for the review |
rating | varchar | 5 | Rounded rating between 1 and 5 |
name | varchar | Product | Product Name |
image | varchar | product.jpg | Formatted date |
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax
{% for review in reviews %} <h2>Review for {{ }}</h2> <p>User rating of {{ review.rating }} out of 5</p> {% endfor %}
image_path (array)
Image paths can be accessed directly by using the references in the table below.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
---|---|---|---| | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/mini/ | Mini Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.small | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/small/ | Small Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.thumb | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/thumb/ | Thumb Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.main | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/main/ | Main Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.large | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/product_images/large/ | Large Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.brand | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/brands/ | Brand Image URL & Path |
image_path.product.dept | varchar | http://www.yourstore/images/depts/ | Dept Image URL & Path |
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax. Please note, this example is based on an additional reference used in productdetail.template.html which is a local reference to this file.
<img src="{{ image_path.product.thumb }}{{ product.image.one_thumb }}" title="My Image" />
messages (array)
Messages accesses the error message system, so you can print any pending messages to your template. The messages reference is a recursive array containing the following references within each sub array of messages.
To access these varables using Twig, you would use the following syntax.
Term | Data Type | Typical Output | Description |
type | varchar | success / error | The type or message ie success or error |
body | varchar | Error message in plain text | The success or error message |
{% for message in messages %} {# Type is error or success #} <div id="message_banner_{{ message.type }}"><p>{{ message.body }}</p></div> {% endfor %}
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