Attribute groups were designed so you can add product options and link other products to another product i.e if you have a range of processor or memory upgrades for the same product, or want to sell a product that can be sold with other products to create a completed product such as a computer system.
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Adding an Attribute Group
Browse to Catalog » Attribute Groups
Click on Add an Attribute Group
Enter the name of your group and save
Editing an Attribute Group
Browse to Catalog » Attribute Groups
Find the group you wish to edit and update
You will also see a list of departments that the group has been assigned to. To make an attribute group available to product, you will need to assign the attribute group to a department.
Assigning an Attribute Group to a Department
Browse to Catalog » Departments
Click the Attribute Groups and Tags Tab
Navigate to the Assign an Attribute Groups box
Type in the name of the group and click on it to assign
Editing the contents of an Attribute Group
Browse to Catalog » Departments
Click the Attribute Groups and Tags Tab
Under the Assign an Attribute box, you will see a list of Attribute Groups. If you dont, you will need to create and assign one first using the steps above.
Click on the Edit link next to the Attribute Groups name
You will be presented with a new window where you can add Attributes to the group.
Adding a new Attribute to an Attribute Group
First follow the steps above
Scroll to the Add more Product Attributes pane
Enter the name of the attribute you wish to call it, i.e. New Processor
Search for the product you wish to assign as this attribute and click on it.
Your attribute should now appear as part of this group
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