Products contains all the products in your store. Depending on the account you have, you will be limited to the number of products you can add to your store.
The main products screen shows a list of all items, including the product code, name, basic statistics, cost and a tools icon. The tools icon is an important feature that allows you to duplicate, edit, delete and create product sets.
To Add a Product
Browse to Catalog » Products
Click on Add a New Product Tab
Fill out the form, adding all the required fields
Upload an image if required
Remember to Save changes as you go
Watch the video
To Edit a Product
Browse to Catalog » Products
Click on either the edit icon to the left of the product name, or click to tools icon » edit.
Make any changes. You can assign further categories and tags from the edit screen
Remember to Save changes as you go
1 comment
my image isnt attaching to my product, its a jpeg and as soon as i press save it vanishes? how do i fix this?
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