Create a new Product
URL Query Parameters
name - Required
code - Required
man_code - Required
upc_code - Required
ean_code - Optional
weight - In grams
tax_rate_id - Interger for tax rate id (See API » Tax Rates to fetch rates)
dept_pricing - 1 or 0, Set to 1 to set this product to use Department / Category Pricing
image_one - Image location ie This will be copied over.
image_two - Image location ie This will be copied over.
image_three - Image location ie This will be copied over.
image_four - Image location ie This will be copied over.
price_is_percentage - Price is percentage or not. If set to 1, 5.98 below becomes 5.98% markup on the cost price of 5.66
price_ex_tax - Price as float, ie 5.98
is_active - 1 or 0
price_was - RRP price as float, ie 6.00
cost - cost as float, ie 5.66
stock_location - Stock location bin number (Optional)
stock - Stock Quantity
stock_due - Stock due label, ie 2-3 Days
qty_min - Minimum quantity allowed in basket
qty_max - Maximum quantity allowed in basket
warranty - Warranty in Days
categories_id - Categories Id
is_dropship - Optional interger
is_special - 1 or 0
group_id - Optional integer
is_bundle - 1 or 0
is_free_delivery - 1 or 0
POST /rest/products.json
Duplicate a Product
Duplicates a product as an exact copy. You can then edit the duplicated product.
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/duplicate.json
Add a product to a set
This assigns a product to a set, or makes it the product set master if the set id matches the product id. This function is useful for creating a set or single product with multiple variations, such as colour, or size.
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/set/{set_id}.json
Add an attribute to a Product
Pass the attribute Id and the product Id in the following call to link a product to an attribute. The attribute will then show as an option on the product.
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/attribute/{attribute_id}.json
Add all attributes in a group to a Product
Pass the attribute group id along with the product id to assign all attributes in an attribute group to a product. All attributes will then show on a product as available options / addons.
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/attributegroup/{attribute_group_id}.json
Add a Category to a Product
Pass the category id along with the product id in the following call.
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/category/{category_id}.json
Add a tag, and then Assign it to a Product
URL Query Parameters
name - The name of the tag
CALL /rest/products/{product_id}/tag.json
Assign a Tag to a Product
Assign a tag, by its id, to a product.
POST /rest/products/{product_id}/tag/{tag_id}.json
Add a related Product to a Product
Add a another product, by its ID to a master product. This creates a relationship between the too products.
POST /rest/products/{product_id}/related/{related_product_id}.json
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