{{ store.name }}

Your {{ store.name }} UK Order Confirmation

Thank you for your order!

Thank you for choosing {{ store.name }}. We really appreciate your business!
Please find details of your order below.
Your Delivery Address:-
{{ order.address.shipping.name }}
{{ order.address.shipping.line_1 }}
{{ order.address.shipping.line_2 }}
{{ order.address.shipping.city }}
{{ order.address.shipping.county }}
{{ order.address.shipping.country }}
{{ order.address.shipping.postcode }}
Payment & Delivery:-
Order Reference No: #{{ order.id }}
Paid By: {{ order.payment.module.name }}
Transaction Id: {{ order.payment.transaction.id }}
Shipping Fee: {{ (order.shipping.price_ex_tax + order.shipping.surcharge)|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}

Your Contact Details:-

Email Address: {{ order.customer.email }}
Phone Number: {{ order.customer.phone }}
You Have Ordered the Following:-
{% for product in order.products %} {{ product.qty }} x {{ product.name }} ({{ product.code }}) ~ {{ product.final_price|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}
{% if product.attributes %} {% for attribute in product.attributes %}   - Option: {{attribute.qty }} x {{ attribute.attributes_name }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if product.emailtext %}
{{ product.emailtext|raw }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Order Total
SubTotal: {{ order.total.sub_total|raw }}
{% if order.total.tax %}Tax: {{ order.total.tax|raw }}
{% endif %}{% if order.total.has_discount %}Discount: {{ order.total.discount|raw }}
{% endif %}
Total: {{ order.total.total|raw }}
If there are any processing problems with your order you will receive either an email or phone call advising you of the problem and the course of action that you can take to resolve the problem. We would advise you also login to your account to check for any problems or questions, just incase you do not receive an email.
Visit {{ store.name }}

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Why did I get this? This email has been sent to keep you upto date with your recent order.

Birch House
Bradfield Road
Urmson, Manchester
M41 9PF